Tag Archives: Campaign 2012

Romney Makes you Miss the Point

The always appreciated Washington Post Fact Checker hands out one of his rare “Four Pinocchio” ratings a stunningly tactless distortion by the Romney Campaign.  By lifting an unprepared statement made to a group of democrats out of context Romney intimates that Obama defended his current fiscal record as “working” when the fill comments clearly indicate he was actually speaking about the Clinton era economic plan.


This is exactly the kind of depressing politics this site was created catalog.  while the horribly deceptive, out-of-context claim clearly earns Romney an accusation of Felony Douchebaggery the sheer audacity of it also nets him a secondary charge of Second Degree Dumbassery.

Logical Sadness: Sununu Demonstrates the “No True Scotsman” Fallacy

John Sununu, former White House chief of staff  under the Senior Bush and former New Hampshire governor, spoke to the press on a conference call today.  While the habitually aggressive Sununu presented many (many) logical fallacies in his comments we’re going to focus on just one.

In “Romney surrogate Sununu: ‘I wish this president would learn how to be an American’” NBC News reports these comments:

“The president clearly demonstrated that he has absolutely no idea how the American economy functions. The men and women all over America who have worked hard to build these businesses, their businesses from the ground up is how our economy became the envy of the world — it is the American way, and I wish this president would learn how to be an American.” [Emphasis added.]

This is a form of the No True Scotsman logical fallacy and is very common in politics.  This fallacy is sometimes also called “an appeal to purity” in that any dissent or seeming contradiction can be explained away by questioning the foundation of the opposing viewpoint.  In essence the opposing viewpoint is ignored because of a “new rule” for determining participation in the argument.

For example, David claims that all Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.  Jerry replies that he is a Star Wars fan and likes Jar Jar Binks.  David replies that Jerry can’t be a real Star Wars fan!

While we must  admit that it does seem obvious that the existence of Jar Jar Binks is a crime against humanity we cannot logically make hatred of him a prerequisite of Star Wars fandom.  Clearly there are some (possibly deranged) fans that do indeed like Jar Jar.

In case at hand Sununu is dismissing the policies of a president by implying he’s not an “American” (or, at the very least, isn’t acting like one).  What must follow is that his policies aren’t “American” either.  This, of course, despite the fact that those policies (having been enacted in America by elected American leaders) are by definition “American”.

The No True Scotsman fallacy is often used as a “short cut”.  Implying that an opponent doesn’t meet the basic requirements of participation means that you can ignore their positions completely!  It really makes debating so much simpler.  If applied often (and loudly) you can sometimes get away without having to actually engage on any actual issue at all!

For what it’s worth Sununu, as expected, later backed off his claims saying “What I thought I said, but I guess I didn’t say, is that the president has to learn the American formula for creating business, if I didn’t give all that detail I apologize.”  For our purposes the backpedaling doesn’t really enter into the discussion however.

Limbaugh Still (Still) an Asshat

With two posts in two days it looks like we’re going to have to start giving Limbaugh a pass or else do nothing but report on his sad, depressing stupidity.   But this was just too good to pass up.

As reported by The Mary Sue in, “Rush Limbaugh Thinks ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ Bane Is Part Of A Political Agenda [LOL]” Rush Limbaugh seems to think that the film’s villain, Bane, is a direct reference to Bain Capital designed to hurt Mitt Romney in the election.  From his show today:

Do you know the name of the villain in this movie? Bane. The villain in the Dark Knight Rises is named Bane. B-A-N-E. What is the name of the venture capital firm that Romney ran, and around which there’s now this make-believe controversy? Bain.

He blathers on for quite a while on it, really.  You can read the whole transcript at his own site here.

Of course the character, Bane – a fan favorite – was introduced in 1993 where he was made famous for (literally) snapping Batman like a twig in one of the biggest comic book events of the 90’s.  As for the films Bane first appeared – horribly – in 1997’s truly terrible Batman & Robin.  The official announcement of Bane for The Dark Knight Rises was made in Feb, 2011 and rumors of his inclusion were made as far back as 2009.


As neither insanity or stupidity is a defense in our court we are sadly forced to charge Limbaugh with First Degree, Felony, High-supreme Dumbassery on this one.  It feels like charging an infant with disturbing the peace for crying but it must be done.

Limbaugh Still an Asshat

Politico reports in, “Rush Limbaugh: Mitt Romney booed at NAACP because white,” that Rush Limbaugh said that the candidate’s speech was “over these people’s heads” and of Obama: “He’s confident they’ll boo Romney, simply because Romney’s white.”


We fairly sure that Limbaugh can’t open his pie-hole without committing, at very least, Dickory in the Second Degree.

Sad Politicians: Romney being Booed

Mitt Romney, valiantly fighting an uphill battle, was booed while speaking at the 103rd NAACP Convention in Houston on July 11th.  Reportedly the harshest round of booing came when he reiterated his goal to repeal the Affordable Care Act.  This made him sad:

Image by NICHOLAS KAMM / Getty

To his credit however he both finished the speech and garnered sporadic applause and even a reserved ovation.  At a later speech in Montana he responded to additional heckling honestly with, “[I] want people to know what I stand for and if I don’t stand for what they want, go vote for someone else, that’s just fine.”

Full reports available at the Washington Post and Wall Street Journal.

Sad Politicians: Obama in the Rain

You’ve got to hand it to the president; at his campaign stop in Glen Allen, Virginia he and his team kept their spirits up despite a massive deluge.  Buzzfeed has 30 Pictures Of President Obama’s Rain-Soaked Campaign Speech that show how well he did but our favorite, of course, is this one where it’s clear that he’s had just about enough rain for one campaign:

Image by MANDEL NGAN / Getty Images

Good on the president for going through with the appearance despite the weather!

Obama Campaign Claims about Romney’s Outsourcing are Sad

Several televisions spots produced by the Obama campaign focus on his record as an outsourcer of jobs while he managed Bain Capital.  As both the Washington Post Fact Checker and FactCheck.org review in-depth there is no reasonable evidence to support this claim.

Here’s one of the ads in question:

As an aside: while the focus of this has been on his time at Bain the ad also claims that he outsourced jobs as governor of Massachusetts.  This is also more complex that presented and is covered well in the FactCheck.org piece.


The Obama campaign is leaning heavily on official (but unconvincing) SEC filings to support their claims.  Even if correct they provide only the most tenuous of connections leading us to consider an initial finding of Felony Douchebaggery.

However, in response to criticism, they are scrambling to provide any compelling proof for the claims but are still running the ads without that proof making this a clear case of Dickory in the First Degree.