Several televisions spots produced by the Obama campaign focus on his record as an outsourcer of jobs while he managed Bain Capital. As both the Washington Post Fact Checker and review in-depth there is no reasonable evidence to support this claim.
Here’s one of the ads in question:
As an aside: while the focus of this has been on his time at Bain the ad also claims that he outsourced jobs as governor of Massachusetts. This is also more complex that presented and is covered well in the piece.
The Obama campaign is leaning heavily on official (but unconvincing) SEC filings to support their claims. Even if correct they provide only the most tenuous of connections leading us to consider an initial finding of Felony Douchebaggery.
However, in response to criticism, they are scrambling to provide any compelling proof for the claims but are still running the ads without that proof making this a clear case of Dickory in the First Degree.